These are the things that i think about on a day to day basis. --
- Things I Will Never Be able to do But Wish that i Could -
1. Have my Daddy walk me down the aisle
2. Fall asleep on my Daddy's shoulder during a movie
3.Making "fun sherrized crafts" with my Mommy
4. Go to the World Cup with my dad
5. Go to Hawaii and China with my Mom
6. Call my parents and apologize because i think i failed a calc exam
7. Buy a Mother or Father's Day card or present
8. Have them meet my boyfriends
9. Have my fiance ask my father for my hand in marriage
10. Get a text from my mom telling me she "loves me more"
11. Go out to dinner with the two of them, even if i wont eat anything in the restaurant
12. Have them take pictures of me at my Graduation
13 Be able to hear both of them tell me how much they love me
14 Being able to look at them and instantly see how proud they were of me
15. Call my daddy and cry when my heart gets broken
16. Complain to my mom about how much guys in college really do suck
17. Get little cards in the mail with cool quotes from my favorite authors that my mother spent days looking for
18. Dance with my Father
19. Make fun of someone at a family dinner and have only my mom catch my eyes
20. Call and have them bring me all the things I need but can't afford at college
21. Call or text them, just to let them know where I am
22. Have my mother hem my pants or sew the back of my dress together 5 minutes before we are supposed to leave
23. Listen to them laugh
24. Laugh at them while they make fun of each other
25. Bargain with them to buy my a new phone even though its their turn for an upgrade
26. Watch them hold hands
27. Have them hold mine - even though i thought it was embarrassing as i got older
28. Take a family photo
29. Wake up on Christmas morning in my own house ... but not alone.
30. Wake up to Butterfly Kisses from my mommy
31. Argue with my mommy about how to take care of a new born baby
32.Hug Them
33. Have them take care of me forever ...
xINFINITY -- too many more to write down
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